Shipping Emissions

Magnuss generates environmental benefits by reducing the transportation sector’s output of air pollution. Although shipping is a highly efficient means of transportation on a per ton/mile basis compared with other modes of transportation, ships are still major sources of pollution and CO2 emissions. Large commercial ships use bunker fuel, the tail end of the oil refining process that emits a cocktail of gases that harm both the planet and human health. Along with CO2, there are nitrogen oxides and sulfur oxides (the cause of acid rain) as well as what is known as particulate matter.

The global shipping trade is responsible for emitting a billion tons of CO2 a year, and as the global economy recovers this figure is bound to escalate. This means shipping, as a single industry, is a larger CO2 emitter than an entire industrialized country like Germany. If the shipping industry were a country it would rank number six in the world CO2 league table. If the entire target market were to retrofit their vessels with VOSS™ technology up to 500 million tons of CO2 would not be added to the atmosphere per year. Magnuss enables ship owners to take immediate action and reduce emissions.

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